Open Boundary Quad-Ridged Horn Antenna Applications:
- - Low Cross-interference
- - Antenna Measurement
- - Electromagnetic Measurement
- - Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing (EMC test)
- - Ultra-wideband Radar Detection
- - Some antennas have a compact design that makes them ideal for use with a tripod-mounted -
▲iPhone 16 傳出新色將延續iPhone 15 鈦金屬色元素。(圖/資料照)
蘋果將在今年秋季發表會上推出iPhone 16 新機,而每年新機限定新色總是造成搶購熱潮,現在準確度高的爆料大神,也提前曝光今年iPhone 16 Pro 新色。
爆料大神Majin Bu在社群平台X表示,蘋果計畫將為iPhone 16 Pro推出2種新色,顏色會是鈦金灰(Cement Gray)、沙漠鈦金或沙色(Desert Yellow),也貼出預測渲染圖。
延續iPhone 15 Pro 系列鈦色元素,iPhone 16 Pro的鈦金灰顏色濃郁沈穩,另外沙漠鈦金色則是會類似 iPhone 14 Pro 的金色,不過顏色更深一些,Majin Bu表示,這次另一個顏色可能是藍色,但不會有綠色或紅色。
而貼文一出也讓果粉嗨爆,紛紛表示:「金色 iPhone 又回來了」、「期待金色」、「沙色調很美」,但也有網友仍期待有更特別的選擇,「酒紅色!」、「鈦金屬融合酒紅色一定很美」、「鈦灰色感覺根本沒什麼新意」。
Based on the information I was able to find, the new colors of the iPhone 16 Pro could be
— Majin Bu (@MajinBuOfficial) February 19, 2024
Desert Yellow (Desert Titanium) similar to the gold of the iPhone 14 Pro but deeper and heavier
Cement Gray (Titanium Gray) a shade of space gray similar to that used on iPhone 6. Other…
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